好人好事6Brad Pitt promised to "make it right" when he visited New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward two years after Hurricane Katrina and found the neighborhood still devastated and 情趣用品deserted. He kept his word, literally, when he started the Make It Right foundation dedicated to rebuilding the Lower 9th, in part by constructing 150 affordable, green, storm 訂做禮服resistant homes in the neighborhood. It is just a fraction of the neighborhood's more than 4,000 homes destroyed by Katrina, but for the residents who called the area home, 591Pitt's work provides more than just a roof over their heads. "When I hear Make It Right's name, the first thing I think of is hope," said Diedra Taylor, a single mother 婚禮佈置of four, who now lives in a Make It Right home.要想成為好人好事代表成員不是只有明星就可以, 還要實際的做, 小布與裘利(這各計劃HBO撥過, 由山姆傑克遜主持)答映過要幫忙卡翠納茲受災戶開幕活動他真的做到了, 他幫第九區的災民興建了4000做房子, 其中一位單親媽媽聽到”作對的事”計劃實, 她說, “我覺得我的人生有希望了!”For her part, Mrs. Pitt keeps pace with her husband 結婚with her own humanitarian work. She has worked with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and toured refugee camps worldwide as part of her work as an Goodwill Ambassador 農地貸款for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Perhaps most impressive for an actress of her status, she insists on living in the same rudimentary working and living 當鋪conditions as the rest of the UN's field staff and covers all costs related to her missions. When asked what she hoped to accomplish with her work she said, "Awareness [of] 資產管理公司the plight of these people. ... They are my heroes.""Top 10 Celebrity Do-Gooders" Read more: 住商房屋,28804,2000036_1999879_1999848,00.html#ixzz0sV8hVaKO

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